October 26th, 2022
Cost: $189 per attendee
October 27th, 2022
Cost: $189 per attendee

Voted #1 by Educators:
Best Professional Development for Teachers

Teach Like A Rock Star is a research-based, results-driven professional development event that provides educators with the most powerful tools, strategies, and resources available for creating an extraordinary learning environment – one where teachers have a profound educational and personal impact on the lives of students. This empowering, engaging, and entertaining workshop helps teachers discover the keys that drive all students to perform at their very highest levels.

"This PD event is exactly what teachers need right now!"

Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Holiday Inn Longview
300 Tuttle Circle
Longview, TX 75605
$189 per person
Phone: (832) 692-1430
Email: [email protected]

Thursday, October 27, 2022
Hilton Garden Inn
2910 S Cowhorn Creek
Texarkana, TX 75503
$189 per person
Phone: (832) 692-1430
Email: [email protected]
Join the Ranks of Over 50,000
Texas Teachers who have Attended
a Teach Like A Rock Star Event!
Join the Ranks of Over 50,000 Texas Teachers who have Attended a Teach Like A Rock Star Event!
We can't wait to see you there!
Hal Bowman, Inc. | 851 Azalea St. | Houston, TX 77018 | ((832) 692-1430
851 Azalea St. | Houston, TX 77018
(832) 692-1430